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 En honum, sem í oss verkar með krafti sínum og megnar að gjöra langt fram yfir allt það, sem vér biðjum eða skynjum, honum sé dýrð í kirkjunni og í Kristi Jesú um öll æviskeið, öld eftir öld.
Bréf Páls til Efesusmanna 3:20-21

Lofið Drottin, ákallið nafn hans. Gjörið máttarverk hans kunn meðal þjóðanna, hafið í minnum, að háleitt er nafn hans.
Jesaja 12:4 


My God heals * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Whoever calls on the name of Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

We will praise You, and call on Your name * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Praise the Lord * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Með miða til að vegsama Guð við tilbúin fyrir þig lög videorecording af söngvari, tónskáld og Evangelist - George Zmozek.
Þú getur fundið lögin - lof í mörgum tungumálum við tilgang til dýrðar nafni Jesú.
Strax eftir stofnun nýja lagið videorecord og byggir á stuðningi frá samstarfsaðilum okkar um að þýða á tungumál og viðbrögð frá þeim, nýja videorecordings verður tilbúið hér fyrir þig á hverjum degi.
Við munum vera fegin að senda þér upplýsingar um nýtt vídeó-söngvar - endilega setjið tölvupóstfang þitt hér:
With target to glorify the God we prepared for you the songs videorecording of singer, composer and evangelist - George Zmozek.
You can find here the songs - praises in many languages with purpose to the glory of the name of Jesus.
Immediately after the creation of a new song videorecord and based on the support from our collaborators regarding to the translation into your language and feedback from them, the new videorecordings will be ready here for you every day.
We will be glad to send you an information as for the new video-songs - please put your e-mail address here:

I know who loves me

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I know who loves me

I know who loves me, Jesus, my Jesus,
I know who loves you, Jesus, my Lord,
My Lord loves me, he is Jesus, my Lord,
My Lord loves you, he is Jesus, my Lord.

I know who saved me, Jesus, my Jesus,
He will save you too, Jesus, my Lord,
My Lord loves me, he is Jesus, my Lord,
My Lord loves you, he is Jesus, my Lord.

He has redeemed me, Jesus, my Jesus,
He will redeem you, Jesus, my Lord,
My Lord loves me, he is Jesus, my Lord,
My Lord loves you, he is Jesus, my Lord.

He holds me up, Jesus, my Jesus,
He will hold you up, Jesus, my Lord,
My Lord loves me, he is Jesus, my Lord,
My Lord loves you, he is Jesus, my Lord.

He has cleansed me, Jesus, my Jesus,
He will cleanse you too, Jesus, my Lord,
My Lord loves me, he is Jesus, my Lord,
My Lord loves you, he is Jesus, my Lord.

He has made me holy, Jesus, my Jesus,
He will make you holy, Jesus, my Lord,
My Lord loves me, he is Jesus, my Lord,
My Lord loves you, he is Jesus, my Lord.
Þér skuluð samt komast að raun um, að Drottinn -- Jesús -- Iceland Praise and worship

Þér skuluð samt komast að raun um, að Drottinn -- Jesús -- Iceland Praise and worship

Þótt fíkjutréð blómgist ekki - IS

Þótt fíkjutréð blómgist ekki - IS

Though the fig-tree does not bud * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Though the fig-tree does not bud * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You are my refuge * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You are my refuge * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Jesus is calling the lost sheep * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Jesus is calling the lost sheep * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Praise the Lord * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Praise the Lord * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You alone are my Lord and God * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You alone are my Lord and God * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

My God heals * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

My God heals * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Whoever calls on the name of Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Whoever calls on the name of Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You stand at the door and knock * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You stand at the door and knock * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

We will praise You, and call on Your name * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

We will praise You, and call on Your name * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I worship You, Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I worship You, Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You are my Savior * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You are my Savior * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Proclaim the holiness of the Lord of host * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Proclaim the holiness of the Lord of host * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Jesus, my Lord * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Jesus, my Lord * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

All the praise belongs to You * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

All the praise belongs to You * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Thank You, Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Thank You, Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I praise and worship You, my Lord * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I praise and worship You, my Lord * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I praise You, Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I praise You, Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You are Messiah * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You are Messiah * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

We will worship You * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

We will worship You * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You are near I feel it * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You are near I feel it * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

RIGHT NOW – VIDEO   PHOTO – GEORG & MARCELA * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

RIGHT NOW – VIDEO PHOTO – GEORG & MARCELA * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I will praise You, O Lord * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I will praise You, O Lord * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

To love more * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

To love more * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I love You, Father * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I love You, Father * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Praise and worship * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Praise and worship * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Oh, Lamb * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Oh, Lamb * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Song of gratefulness * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Song of gratefulness * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Praise and worship * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Praise and worship * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I know who loves me

I know who loves me




TOP 20

Þér skuluð samt komast að raun um, að Drottinn -- Jesús -- Iceland Praise and worship

Þótt fíkjutréð blómgist ekki - IS

Though the fig-tree does not bud * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You are my refuge * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Jesus is calling the lost sheep * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Praise the Lord * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You alone are my Lord and God * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

My God heals * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Whoever calls on the name of Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You stand at the door and knock * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

We will praise You, and call on Your name * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I worship You, Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

You are my Savior * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Proclaim the holiness of the Lord of host * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Jesus, my Lord * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

All the praise belongs to You * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

Thank You, Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I praise and worship You, my Lord * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

I praise You, Jesus * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ